Friday, July 29, 2011

Delivery to C-CAP

I am so excited to say that in 12 hours we were able to organize and collect 43 pounds of food for C-CAP's food pantry!  Just think of what we could accomplish if we really planned and plotted.  

I dropped a box off at McAlister's Deli yesterday morning (to take advantage of their Free Tea Day) and asked friends on Facebook to bring some non-perishables when they stopped in to eat.  It was great!  My father-in-law and I brought everything to C-CAP this morning and we are hoping to get more donations this weekend.  

I spoke with the women at C-CAP about dropping donation boxes around town so that C-CAP can get a steadier stream of food.  If we can get local businesses to agree to have a donation box, hopefully we can get some advertising for them.  If we can get a radio spot for C-CAP then we can mention the locations where donations are available.  Same with the local TV channels.  I need just need to plan ahead for this one.

Thanks for everyone who helped pitch in!  I am planning on getting empty boxes from Martin's and then wrapping them in kraft paper and decorating them.  Anyone who is crafty and would like to help - I will provide the refreshments!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh i love to wrap and decorate!!!! I can do sunday :-)wine..?!
