Monday, June 6, 2011

Background story

I have a history of not completing things.  As a little girl I wanted to be a writer.  I started dozens of stories and while I finished some (you may recall Penny and Patty:  Mission Snobs if you went to Garrisonville Elementary in 1990) I still have loose-leaf pages in a box in my attic that has the beginnings to tons of stories.  It's not a big deal - there are millions of people who start books and never finish.  I definitely have bigger things I didn't finish (like high school) and I have let a lot of friendships go because I didn't keep in touch. 
Now I am a mom of three boys (in 4 years) and they have all presented their own challenges.  My oldest was born 5 weeks early and spent two weeks in the NICU while his lungs matured.  He is a live wire.  Even in utero he was a wild thing.  My stomach was always flipping and flopping.  His first day in the NICU he was trying to squirm out of his bassinet - and was succeeding!  The nurse had never seen a teeny 5 pound baby do that.  They called him Peanut. We named him Kyle.  He is smart and funny and constantly keeping me on his toes.  He is my talker and currently wants to be an astronaut who drives a Metro train when he is on Earth.
My middle child was a perfect pregnancy.  I worked out, ate right, and was busy chasing a toddler around.  Fifteen months after Kyle came Zac.  He was 9 lbs 7oz with a head so big those hats kept coming right off!  When I called down to the nursery for him they referred to him as the football player.  His first pediatric appointment the doctor commented on the size of his massive mitts.  He was super snuggly and loved anything soft.  He was a wonderful baby and an occasionally fussy and very shy toddler.  We learned after age 2 that he has autism.  He is the most thoughtful, sweet, amazing little boy and he has the best teachers on his team at school.  We feel beyond lucky to have him and I can't say that I would change the autism - because it would change him.  I wish I could make some things easier - but as far as autism is concerned - he handles a lot very well.
Two and a half years after Zac came Liam.  He was super surprising.  I went into to have a catheter ablation done to correct a heart condition and before wheeling me into the OR they stopped me and told me I was pregnant and they couldn't do the procedure.  It was a shock but I was so excited.  Kind of wish Dr. House had delivered the news in a dramatic way but it made everyone in the cardiac department happy.  It wasn't the little girl everyone was sure I was having but a complete mix of my husband and I.  He looks like me and is super happy and friendly like I was as a child but really coordinated and daring like his dad.  Everyone adores him and despite my dramatic pregnancy and delivery he is a healthy toddler now. 
During my pregnancy with Liam I found the MOMS Club of Front Royal and fell in love!  Other Moms - like me - home all day, strapped financially, with kids who we love beyond belief but who are slowly making us lose our minds.  Incredibly, for a group of 30 women, there is no cattiness or gossiping or talking behind each other's backs.  We all respect each other as Moms and women and know that we have our differences and enjoy it.  Its amazing.  So amazing that they talked me into being president this term. 
But the point behind all of this is I feel like I need to complete something that will not reappear as soon as I turn around (like dishes, laundry, toys, clutter, appointments) and something that will make me feel good and will help my children learn about giving back in a hands on way.  My goal this summer is to find a way to involve my kids in giving each week.  Tomorrow we are bringing clothes to C-CAP which provides clothing to people who can't get it any other way.  Some other plans involve animal shelters, the local heroes (fire departments and police departments), senior centers, and Drop in and Decorate.  I need to start a list of things now and I am looking forward to a book I ordered which has great ideas for kids to give back.  I have to complete this! 

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