Friday, October 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday - only late - but with a doctor's note!

So I was all un-me and making lists of things I am thankful for as they come up in preparation (not procrastination) for these posts.  And then I got strep and spent a couple of days thinking that rest and fluids will magically fix me (didn't happen)  So I caved and called my wonderful Doctor at Skyline Family Practice and today I am thankful for the one remaining antibiotic I am not deathly allergic to as I am almost back to functioning normally.  

I am also thankful for my friends - there are so many people in my life who surprise and amaze me every day.  Just being sick brought friends offering help and food and asking what I need from the store.  My friend Martha took Kyle to Cub Scouts last night so I could veg out and half watch E News and not infect our pack.  Especially since my doctor's son is in our pack and he would call me out.  

Even when there are letdowns - which are so common as a Mom - why do we plan anything? - I try and remember that things are still pretty awesome.  I had plans to go hiking with my friends last week.  I was bringing Liam and Charlie to Andy Guest Shenandoah River State Park and we would hike and be merry!  And I thoroughly enjoyed the drive there and refrained from stopping along 340 to take pictures every 500 feet.  But only because the inside of my windshield is remarkably dirty.  And I only once said: "Yeah - we get it. It's pretty.  Speed limit people!" 

We get to the park and this is what we see:

 And these were my guys I was going to hike with:
But the cute one in the stripes?  He decided to sit down in a muddy puddle.  And soak his shoes, socks, pants, and sleeves.  Because it was a foggy, cool fall day and what better to be than wet?  So after searching the car and realizing I could redress him several times - if  he just wasn't concerned with pants and shoes - we headed back out of the park to go home.  Liam and Charlie both cried on the way home but I kept playing the It Could Be Worse game.  We got home and had lunch and went for a walk downtown and all was well.  The mountains will still be there next week if I wish to tackle them again.  Hiking with a 2 year old isn't really all that great - but I enjoy the challenge.  And the park is only 20 minutes away. And Skyline Drive is 5 minutes away.  So I really can't complain.  I can - instead - be thankful.

And I hate to say it but I am so thankful for social media and my smart phone.  If I wasn't on Twitter - I wouldn't have known that Virginia State Parks has an app that has lots of great features for people who can pay attention to their phone without a child sinking into a mud puddle.  Or for people who are traveling and want to stop and visit a State Park.  Or for people planning a trip and want to camp or kayak or hike.  Or who know how to use a GPS.  Its probably all over my head right now but someday I might figure it out.  
And if I hadn't been searching for that app - I might never have found the Virginia Tech Tree ID App which can help me answer "what is that thing Liam is squishing in his fat little palms?" (Answer: Persimmon).  And if I remember to bring my phone on a walk at a friend's house I could identify the thing I found on the ground instead of sending it out on Instagram.  

And because I am getting my appetite back - I am thankful for food porn.  People share these incredible things they cook or eat and post them online and even though my food never looks like that - it gives me (an incredibly indecisive person) an idea about what to cook for dinner.  And I can make it vegan and leave out ingredients and I don't get stressed out by too many steps or specific measurements.  So tonight I will be making black bean salsa to toss into fajitias with vegetarian refried beans and sauteed peppers and mushrooms.  And whatever else might sound like a good addition.  All because someone had a picture of something similar somewhere in my scrolling today and its sounds like what I want.

So I am off to make salsa and be thankful and not at all paranoid about Hurricane Sandy.  Have a safe weekend!

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