Packing the cookies and muffins was another concern. Its not liking bringing a plate to a friend's or a party where you can feel comfortable leaving it. I needed something disposable but something that will keep the food fresh and hopefully not be harmful to the earth. I am trying to keep from buying too much and I am trying to keep from buying too much that is disposable. So after using my last two freezer bags for the chocolate chip cookies and brown sugar oat muffins - I had to figure out how to package the oatmeal raisin cookies and apple streusel muffins. I made cookie stacks and wrapped them in plastic wrap and tied it with a blue ribbon (okay - I read a lot but I had to fit the thin blue line in somewhere!) I then decided to go really green and just use stuff around the house for the rest. I cut the lid off a shoe box and covered it with wax paper to wrap the muffins. I then used the rest of the shoe box and wrapped it with wedding paper (turned inside out). Kyle and I decorated it with stickers and colored pictures of the boys to attach to the box. We loaded up all the cookies and muffins and we were ready to deliver. I left Zac home napping with a fever and left the uncontrollable Liam home with his dad so I could carry the box and deal with an apprehensive Kyle. After reassuring him over and over that he would not be arrested upon entering the building (for calling 911 months ago), he shyly came in and we buzzed the receptionist announcing our delivery. She offered to have a police officer come out and talk to Kyle and the poor kid looked like he was trying to figure out a way to escape. She asked if he wanted to see a police car and he finally spoke up and said yes. The Sergeant came out and couldn't pry a word out of my little guy. It took more talking about a police car to get him to respond. We got to see the car and the lights and siren (which made me jump) and then another police officer needed it for a call so our visit was short. I am sure Kyle had 85,000 questions to ask but he wasn't saying a word. Its funny how someone who cannot stop talking can be shy in certain situations. I have tried to reassure the kids that police officers are helpful and definitely people to trust if you need help but I think right now the power is intimidating. I know that Liam would have been charming the pants off of everyone in there but I really would like to know how Zac would have reacted. I know that he would love to see the police car. Looking forward to a trip to the fire department to deliver baked goods later on this summer.
I just love this idea! We delivered cookies to frpd and frfd at Christmas time...we should do it again soon. Thanks for the reminder!