I just read a post by A Sugar and Spice Life called Trading Places about her daughter with autism. She talks about how she wishes she could trade places with her daughter for just a little while to see what its like, see how she thinks and feels. I have thought thousands of times about how I wish I could get inside my Zac's head. He is so smart and caring. He loves jumping: off the school bus into my arms, off my bed onto the floor, from the recliner to the couch, off the last step on the porch. He loves playing with puzzles and letters and numbers. He loves all animals. He loves playing in dirt and water. He loves being outside and carousels and roller coasters. He loves ice cream cones and granola bars. He can spell more than a dozen words and can count to 87. He is amazing at computer games and puzzles and can navigate an iPad way better than I could. He is so aware of what is going on but he doesn't talk. He can say any number of words. He understands everything and can follow directions if he wishes. He attends preschool with the most amazing team of teachers and therapists. He goes with us to air shows and amusement parks and museums and parades. He goes to listen to music downtown and to Chuck E Cheese for birthday parties. Zac loves playing skee ball and going down slides. He thinks tennis is hilarious and likes to wear shoes that light up. I know all this about my little guy but I don't get to hear about what his dreams are at night or how his day was at school. He doesn't plead his case when he and Kyle are fighting and won't yell at Liam to stop taking his toys away. He doesn't tell me what he wants to be for Halloween or what he wants to be when he grows up. I know he is amazing but I don't know what he is thinking! We laugh about the differences in our three boys. At bedtime when tucking everyone in: Kyle replies with "Good Night - I love you too." Liam says "Night Night - I wuv ooo" and Zac is usually quiet. Sometimes he will saying something random like "Truck". They are all funny and crazy and get in equal amounts of trouble. They all have their own ways of making me nuts by the end of the day. And I can't imagine them any other way. I don't want Zac to be someone other than who he is. But I would like to hear that voice a little more often - I know he has amazing things to say!
Once upon a time I had three little boys who didn't understand how a charity walk helped babies. Now we are all growing and changing together. Taking on science fair projects and IEPs and climbing mountains and building gardens.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Been a little gone
Okay - so I was starting to feel a little burnt out. I was looking forward to school starting and things were feeling hectic so I decided to take some time off of blogging and Facebook and even my phone. I checked my e-mail once a day for MOMS Club things but I tried to stay off the computer for as much as possible and knew that the break would be refreshing. My day to start again was after Labor Day when I had two kids in school and loads of time to myself. And then Kyle and I got colds which has morphed into a mean sinus headache for me. And then a huge tree fell on my house. And I realized that my week to start getting back into things would be a little different. But luckily everyone is okay. The tree is now off the house and I have gotten lots of support from friends through this mess. The kids have handled it well and right now the tree stump is winning against the machine that is supposed to grind it up. The rain hasn't been bad here (compared to everywhere else on the East Coast) and we aren't battling wild fires so I am considering myself very lucky right now.
I am really excited to have our MOMS Club of Front Royal Annual Open House on Wednesday September 21st at 10:30am at Santmyer's Youth Center at 8th and Commerce Avenues. We are doing a Community Safety Day this year and the Fire Department will be coming out to do car seat checks and give safety tips as well as letting the kids check out the fire truck. We will be doing a potluck brunch and have some fun activities for the kids to do.
I am also looking forward to the Women's Walk for C-CAP on Saturday October 1st from 4 to 8pm. The walk will begin at Vino E Formaggio and we will also stop at Stonewall Jackson Restaurant before ending at the Lucky Star Lounge. A donation of non-perishable foods, diapers, or cash is requested. And don't forget to bring some cash for a drink for yourself! I will be enjoying the company as well as a cold beer since I don't plan on downing several jugs of barium before the walk this time.
Another way to help out C-CAP is to visit Martin's and let the cashier know that you would like to donate to C-CAP as part of your order. Or you could just drop something off at C-CAP between 9 and 12 Monday through Friday. C-CAP accepts diapers that are already open which is nice considering how fast the little bambinos grow out of them. If it is hard for you to get to C-CAP during the donation time I would be more than happy to get things from you and then drop them off at C-CAP during business hours.
I have spoken with the Pregnancy Center as well so I hope to be meeting with them next week to figure out how we can help them.
Thanks again to everyone for your offers of help and support through this crazy time. Now if someone could just get the rain off the East Coast and over to Texas where they really need it. Thanks!
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